"We are providing sustainable substitute material to replace fossil-based carbon materials"
In our latest interview, we had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Einar Karu, Vice President of Technology at UP Catalyst, a new and crucial partner in the MUSIC project. UP Catalyst is spearheading innovative advancements in the production of hard carbon for sustainable Sodium Ion Capacitors.

In our latest interview, we had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Einar Karu, Vice President of Technology at UP Catalyst, a new and crucial partner in the MUSIC project. UP Catalyst is spearheading innovative advancements in the production of hard carbon for sustainable Sodium Ion Capacitors. By specializing in the transformation of wood biomass, charcoal, or lignin into valuable carbon materials, they are reducing the dependence on imported raw materials. Furthermore, UP Catalyst is utilizing CO2 byproducts from biomethane factories to produce advanced carbon nanotubes (CNTs), significantly lowering the project´s carbon footprint. Dr. Karu shared insights into their processes, challenges, and the environmental impact of their work.
- What is the origin of the carbons you produce for MUSIC?
Dr. Karu: "We are scaling up European hard carbon (HC) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) production. The main raw material we use for our HC carbonization is Estonian lignin and for our molten salt carbon capture and electrochemical transformation to produce CNTs is concentrated CO2. We collaborate with the Estonian Biogas Association for getting the bio-CO2 from the manure fermentation process, where they produce bio-methane and about 40% CO2 is coeluted in the process. We are providing sustainable substitute material to replace fossil-based carbon materials for energy storage purposes, e.g., to have European sustainable production of HC and CNTs for sodium ion supercapacitors in the MUSIC consortium."
- What are the major challenges you are facing for the scale-up of such materials?
Dr. Karu: "The current main challenges lie in the procurement of suitable scale-up devices, early material purchase agreements with partial pre-payment, and logistics. Recently, UP Catalyst acquired a scale-up location next to Tallinn’s communal waste incineration plant, which provides energy."
UP Catalyst´s efforts are a testament to the project´s commitment to sustainability and innovation. Their work not only enhances the project´s capabilities but also contributes significantly to the broader goal of reducing carbon footprints and advancing green technologies. We are excited to see how their contributions will shape the future of sustainable energy storage solutions within the MUSIC consortium.